The English Center

We welcome you to The English Center and we are confident that you will be successful here if you follow these five important messages:

1. The English Center is a community. Be a good neighbor.

Respecting others’ feelings and property is a fundamental courtesy. We show respect by our words and actions.Avoid inappropriate language.Refrain overt displays of affection.Avoid touching others. Some cultures find this offensive.

 2. The classroom is our workplace. Invest in it.

Teachers and students are partners in the learning process. Cooperation is essential.Ask the teacher for help rather than classmates. Consulting with classmates can be disruptive.Attend classes regularly and arrive on time. If you must be late, avoid interrupting the class.Discuss classroom difficulties with the teacher first.Practice and use English.

3. We are frequently judged by our appearance. Dress appropriately.

Your appearance influences the way people treat and react to you. You can make a positive impression.Avoid t-shirts with inappropriate messages, tank tops, short shorts, and transparent clothing which are distracting, inappropriate and unacceptable.Maintain good hygiene habits. Use of soap, deodorant, and clean clothes creates a positive image.

4. The English Center is an extension of our homes. Take pride in it.

Our campus grounds and facilities provide an attractive and stimulating environment. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep it beautiful.Dispose of trash in the many containers provided. Recycling is a major concern here and at home.Writing on the walls and desks is destructive and criminal.Smoking on school grounds is illegal according to Florida law.Chewing gum is unacceptable on campus. This habit creates unsanitary conditions.Food and drink are to be consumed outside of the classrooms.In the restrooms, only toilet paper should be flushed. Paper towels should be placed in the trash can, not in the toilet. Keep restrooms clean and inform the custodians when supplies or cleaning is needed.Be considerate. Park only in the designated areas without blocking neighbors’ driveways or other cars in the parking lot. Keep off grass, sidewalks, or disabled parking spots. You will receive a ticket is you violate any of these laws.

5. We are a school for the world. Learn from each other.

We celebrate our diversity. Learn to appreciate differences rather than ridicule them. People fear what they do not understand. We have over 40 nationalities attending The English Center, but our common goal is the same: to learn and improve our lives.Treat others as you expect to be treated. Judging people by their origins alone is unfair.Contribute to the spirit of harmony. Share your customs with others. You will be surprised by what you can learn.